Enable Multi Factor Authentication, 2FA or MFA in N-central

Enable Multi Factor Authentication, 2FA or MFA in N-central

  1. Check N-able N-central server time. Ensure that N-able N-central 's time is very accurate for your local time zone.
    1. If necessary, login with the Product Admin, browse to Administration > Mail and Network Settings > Network Setup > under Date and Time, check that the Time Zone is correct and NTP server is reachable > click the Synchronize button.

  2. Enable MFA. Browse to Administration > Users > place a checkmark beside the MFA username > click Two Factor Authentication button > click Enable Two Factor Authentication.

  3. Have the user install an Authenticator App, such as Google Authenticator, Authy, Duo, Windows Authenticator, or other applicable app.
    1. Create an account with the third party as needed.
  4. Login to N-able N-central using the MFA enabled account.

  5. When prompted by N-able N-central, quickly Scan the QR code, or click Can't Scan to obtain the key, and input it into the Authenticator App.
    1. For Authy Desktop Users, click Tokens > Plus sign to Add Account > paste the key provided by N-able N-central (click Can't Scan to view the key) > Add Account > type an account name (e.g. "N-central"), choose a logo > Save.

  6. Copy and Paste the Passcode from the Authenticator App into the Passcode field on the N-able N-central login screen.
    1. Open the Authenticator App > click your newly created "N-central" account and copy the Passcode, then paste it into the Passcode field to log in.

  7. Save the Backup CodesN-able N-central provides a set of one-time use backup codes to use for access if your App is not available at the moment. Save these for later!

  8. The user is logged in to N-able N-central and MFA setup is complete!
  9. In the future, N-able N-central will continue to prompt the user for the Passcode. Open the Authenticator app and click on the "N-central" account to copy and paste the passcode for successful login.
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