Offsite copies to Immutable Wasabi Buckets keep failing with "InvalidRetentionPeriodSet"

Offsite copies to Immutable Wasabi Buckets keep failing with "InvalidRetentionPeriodSet"

It seems that after the data has been copied, an attempt is made to delete older jobs based on the retention, but Wasabi is not allowing that. 
The retention period is not set directly in the Wasabi Console but by VM Backup when setting up the backup location and can no longer be changed afterwards. 
The retention is actually set automatically after initially configuring Offsite location, but somehow it changes and it is not the same as with the immutable period so that can cause the issues with retention.

Upgrading to Version 9.0 Build 9.0.44 should fix this and several other issues.

Issues fixed:
  1. Fixes an issue that would not allow an error message to be shown for failed replication operations on the Offsite Backup Server
  2. Fixes an issue that would incorrectly show that a trial license is about to expire.
  3. Fixes an issue that would cause an offsite copy to Wasabi immutable storage to fail sporadically.
  4. Fixes an issue where VMs affected by data integrity issues would not be reported in the backup health monitor.
  5. Fixes an issue that would create an incorrect root directory in the configured backup location.
  6. Fixes an issue that would not allow a user to log back into the management console after a session is timed out.

Added a user-friendly message when a backup operation fails due to having the same designated location as offsite copies
Added a user-friendly message when the VM Backup upgrade wizard fails to import configuration from a previous installation having a version pre 8.13

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